Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Another earthquake hits Haiti

According to the US Geological Services, another powerful earthquake has hit Haiti near Port-au-Prince, about 50min ago with a 6.1 magnitude on the Richter scale. Please visit either Wyclef Jeans's charity Yele Haiti or the Red Cross to make a donation to help the earthquake victims.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Scholarships for women and minorities

For the most updated funding opportunities, be sure to click on "fellowships and scholarships" in the label cloud ----->
 If you would like to share a funding opportunity, please send an email to Minority.Scientist(at) and include the funding organization and a link to the website where the information can be located. Thanks!   
More  funding opportunities
 American Physiological Society:
American Psychological Association Fellowships in the Neurosciences
American Society for Microbiology Graduate Research Fellowship

If you are a PhD student who has already selected a thesis laboratory and you belong to an underrepresented group, your thesis adviser may be able to apply for a research supplement. For more info, visit the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Supplements (GRS) to Current ENG Awards to Broaden Participation (nsf 09-045)

    Sunday, January 17, 2010

    Kid science

    I woke up this morning and found my eight-year-old daughter watching this cool science show for kids called DragonflyTV on the PBS channel.

    DragonflyTV is hosted by teenagers Mariko and Michael and showcases kids, who were about 10 to 17 years old, performing scientific investigations in their local surroundings. As I watched the show, I became so impressed by the scientific questions these kids posed, the approach they devised to test their hypotheses, and how they presented their data.  In this episode, Malformed Frogs, Susie and Katie continued to impress me as they sought out to determine why the frogs in their local pond were displaying malformed

    Welcome to Minority Scientist

    I'm Minority Scientist and I started this blog to
    1) share useful information to assist minorities, including women and underrepresented peoples, navigate a career in scientific research and
    2) explore the world of science through the eyes of someone who
    pursued a PhD in the biomedical sciences as a single parent.

    In the spirit of sharing, if you find info here useful for you or someone you know... pass it on! If you would like to share information, send an email to
    Minority.Scientist(at) Thanks!

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